Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Importance of Art

Art is a very important part of school, so tax dollars should go toward those programs. Though school should prepare students for going to work in the real world, that doesn't mean that core classes are the only ones of importance. Art, music, and theater classes allow and push students to be creative. This is useful, as it requires someone to make decisions for themselves, and with confidence. With those kinds of skills, applied to a future job, students will be able to excel, improve, and solve problems in different ways when they are faced with challenges. They also require students to have persistence, patience, and practice to perfect their craft. Art classes are an enjoyable way for students to acquire these necessary skills.

So, in response to the quote regarding tax dollars; art, music, and theater classes may not directly relate to some students' future professions, however, they do teach skills needed within the workforce. These classes deserve funding just as core classes do. In fact, without support from tax dollars, art classes would have a serious lack in supplies, making the classes less complex and interesting. It is in the best interest of not only the teachers but the students to have good funding for the art classes, as that provides more learning opportunities.

Another point of discussion is that sports and programs at school that are unrelated to academic courses gain support and are thought to be important. So, if art, music, and theater classes also aren't necessary to graduate or go to college, but provide a lot to learn about (like history of the subject, creative processes, and lots of practice), they should be rightfully funded through tax dollars.

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