Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cubism-"The Tourist"

Steps used:

  1. First, Stephen McNally took his photographs at different angles and times of day.
  2. He then uploaded the images to Photoshop.
  3. The images were cropped to different sizes and placed in different layers.
  4. These new images were composited together, placed in their corresponding location in the setting.
  5. The images overlapped, with some being more enlarged than others, so they don't fit together perfectly with the images around them.
  6. The composition was then edited with effects, such as blurring. 

Based on the lighting, shadows, and placement of the people in this composition, I think about four or five photographs were used. In some parts of it, other photos in different layers are covering entire people, though their feet  and legs can be seen underneath.

The photos were taken at different times of day because some layers/ boxes are more shaded or are brighter compared to those surrounding it even though they are taken of the same wall of a building.

Some obvious post-processing enhancements are the grainy and blurry effects that span the entire composition. Also, the parts of the photos that were made into different layers had to be cropped and composited with Photoshop.

Some other considerations are that is was possible fewer images were used for this composition as the separate layers could have been edited with their own effects. This could make it look like there were more angles used or photos taken at different times of day when, in reality, they were not.

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Time Project: Pressed Flowers