Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Reflection/ Reflection

In the second semester I am going to use my time more wisely so that I can plan out more creative ideas. This way, I will not hold myself back as much with different concepts due to not giving myself as much time as I could have had. I also plan to take more risks, visually and conceptually, opening up new doors to the photos I am striving to create. I also plan to do this to further individualize and perfect my own style.

For most of the assignments this quarter I have pushed myself more creatively and managed my time more wisely. This was true with the Daily Dozen project, as I spread out when I shot my photos throughout the course of about two weeks. With the photos from that assignment, I planned them out and attempted ideas even if I wasn't sure if they would work out well. My Forced Perspective was also creative, though it wasn't the most complex photo I could have taken for that kind of assignment. My Conceptual Photography could have been better if I made a plan earlier on from being assigned it. As a result, those photos were not my best and I think there could have been more potential for a very interesting composition. 
Taking a look at this semester so far, I would give myself a B grade overall for how well I have stuck to my plans.

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Time Project: Pressed Flowers