Monday, September 9, 2019

"Lost in the World Like Me" Video Response

1. What is the general premise of the video?

The general premise of the video is that in the modern-day society people are so obsessed with online personalities that they lack emotion and do not go out of their way to talk to or help others in the real world. Not only does the general population not care, those in power and leadership roles do not even appear to be present.

2. Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message?

The video is very effective in conveying it's intended message. There is a clear negative and almost frightening view of society. Even the main character of the video, who disagrees with and is scared of the current state the human population, doesn't even do anything to change it. At most, he imagines himself saving the day and bettering the world, however fails to execute any of these actions. This added another level of disappointment, as in the end, no one changed and even the character who saw what needed to be changed did nothing, making circumstances feel hopeless. On top of that, the depiction of all of the mindless people walking around being stuck to their phones is emphasized as they simply film a girl jumping off of a building as if everything is just entertainment for them. Even when they risk their own lives, walking off a cliff with their phones still in hand, they remain unbothered.

3. Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?

I feel that this is more of an examination of our current social situation. This video portrays a hopeless world more as an observation. The main character just stands and watches everyone as they waste their life and circumstances continue. It isn't specifically indicated to speak and and make changes, however it is implied through guilt. There is no positive inspiration or hope to help the way things are. Even by the end of the video, the main character continues to just observe and witness the terrible events happening around him.

Time Project: Pressed Flowers